The Solo Stylist

The Solo

If you are a solo stylist or freelance hairdresser wanting to achieve more growth or are just considering beginning your solo journey soon…come see what we can share.

Every week join me for free advice on how a solo hairdresser can achieve their goals and sustain a work/life balance.

The hairdressing world has changed...
more than you might even realise

Demand is high

Hairdressers are wanted everywhere. Almost every salon I can personally think of are crying out for more staff.

Time is poor

Many of us are working longer hours in order to service this demand. This is impacting our health and lifestyle.

Wages are low

Low earnings force us to work harder and longer just to make ends meet. There has to be a better way.


The Solo Stylist Newsletter

A less than 4 minute read of observations and advice on becoming a successful solo stylist. Delivered to your inbox every Monday.

Self Paced Short Courses

Online and self-paced...make some time and a coffee and put in to action my easy to follow steps for creating a better business and lifestyle.

1 on 1 Coaching

Have you been Solo Styling for a while and want to take it to the next level? Are you thinking about becoming a Solo Stylist and want some help with where to begin?



Listen to examples of how I approach getting new clients, retaining existing clients and how to keep my books filled up to 12 months in advance.

Time management

Tips and tricks for better work/life balance. Hear how I'm not letting myself become a slave to my actions.

goal setting

Is there something you've always wanted to do? I'll share how I've achieved goals most hairdressers only dream of.

financial Awareness

Money comes and money goes. Whilst I'm no financial advisor, hear how I'm keeping myself secure?


We all want more time to achieve our goals. This is all about what I've learned on my journey and how I go about achieving this?


“Craig's mentorship has been such godsend in the development of my hairdressing career. His advice, insights and the constant support, he has given me over the years gave me the confidence to believe in myself, dream big and build a successful business.

"His brain doesn't look at the industry in the same way as anyone else I've ever listened to. If you've got a problem, yo...he'll solve it!!!"

Rachel Kate Hair
"I finally understand my finances and make them work for me. His passion for the industry helped me gain focus to find mine again. Craig's humble and patient manner meant I never felt talked down to, just introduced to new ideas. His value and knowledge of all aspects of our industry is invaluable."
Gabi Driver Design

Sound good??? Let's begin...

One helpful business tip every Tuesday morning.

Join like minded solo hairdressers getting actionable tips on growth for your business.

Just my experiences…no spam.